This is a black hole (photo courtesy of @NASA on @mickeyhart's Instagram where I first saw it); it's where your taxes go. Taxation is theft, wealth destruction, an eroding factor that demolishes value. Especially so when government prints money too; who pays for it all? YOU. How long will we fall for this? Aren't you worth more? Why not seek liberty? Pay up or else. Better keep the tax man at bay, either on your own or with the help of a trusty CPA.
But what if we enable choice to fund stuff that needs it rather than subjugating capital into a black hole? Conscious capitalism deserves a chance to thrive. You have a choice in which non-profits will gain funding from 30% of sales of my 1st Book of Gitas: Personal Finance Made Simple ebook. Go reserve your copy today & complete the quick pre-sale form to let me know the name of the non-profit you'd prefer to see receive 30% of the sale price of your copy: In the first month of sales, the other 70% will go to outstanding hurricane/flood relief efforts. Gig 'em!, Tyler #capitalism #consciouscapitalism #liberty #thankyourcpa #tax #taxday #taxman #taxationistheft #force #blackhole #aggression #entrepreneur #choice #thebestformofgovernmentisnogovernmentatall #drumsspace #mickeyhart #nasa #nonaggressiveliberty #austrianeconomics #misesinstitute #gitas #bookofgitas #topconsciousness #aggiepreneur #maysbusinessschool #westepup #startupstandout #advancingtheworldsprosperity #gigem
Thanks to Winston Hoyle’s efforts, art files for the 1st Book of Gitas: Personal Finance Made Simple are ready to shine!
I’m taking a break to sharpen the saw before launching the ebook. Resting from work is necessary so that I may in turn work from rest. Oddly, health difficulties are both a primary reason why I chose the entrepreneurial path, and they’re also the source of a top fear: that health challenges will interfere with my ability to successfully accomplish my requisite work that I signed up to complete. Over a year of hyperthyroid symptoms dulled my being. My health is a top priority because it enables value creation. There’s no price tag on that. Thanks for your patience. I look forward to sharing more when I’m refreshed. Authentically, Tyler #1stBookofGitas #personalfinancemadesimple #momentumandreversal #opportunities #mindset #viz #illustrator #sharpenthesaw #7habitsofhighlyeffectivepeople #value #vreel #aggiepreneur #topconsciousness #gitasgroup #happynewyear #win 242 years ago the year was 1776 AD. Oppressed people sought liberty. How’s their dream faring today? Are we wrongfully suppressed in ways that conflict with liberty? Liberty = Independence = Freedom = Capitalism = Win; does this describe our current reality? Are we thriving as well as we ought to at this phase in human evolution? Is it as beautiful as the fireworks that burned so brightly on the 4th of July? It’s 2018.
5 years ago I left my employer to embark on the hero's journey because my health fell apart at age 25. It may be best described as a “train-wreck in slow motion” that played out over a lengthy timeline. Despite the disaster, I looked for upside. I had an idea. A dream. A vision. A brighter future. Self actualization and transcendence. Maslow's pinnacle. Liberty. Winning. I saw how painful, harsh, and troubling disintegrated health could be. To know old age as a young man isn't easy. I had to let go of ambitions, desires, work, and learn to simply be present. Some would call it mindfulness meditation, others would call it knowing Christ’s presence. Indeed, I’m comfortable saying “yes, it’s both”. It was the only break I could find from incessant neurological, physiological, and biochemical hell. Sitting on the floor in my office, I made a promise. I promised Him that I’d do His work if He’d heal and allow me to do so; I knew I needed Him to work through me. So I decided to place all of the odds in my favor to the best of my ability: sleep, meditation, yoga, exercise, nutrition, hydration, supplementation, Pomodoro (or modified Pomodoro) work cycles. This way doctors could focus on helping me rather than instructing a lifestyle change, despite one's disbelief at the physique my self-discipline produced and her accusation that I must be taking steroids. I wasn't. I'm not. I don’t intend to. Western medicine thinks there's a pharmaceutical explanation, bandage, or solution for pretty much everything. Natural self-imposed healthy practices are often superior to such potentially harmful alternatives. Pharmaceuticals couldn't resolve a lingering, burning, persistent predicament I was facing: “What about my potential future children?? What if I'm never well enough to teach them personal finance based on my upbringing and curriculum in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University's finance and entrepreneurial leadership programs?” The downside of such a failure was more than I could bear, so I had to build a hedge to mitigate my acrophobia because throwing away tens of thousands of dollars of education at this premier institution didn't make a lick of sense. Creating a simple, playful, creative approach to teaching personal finance via ebook/book did. It still does. It will continue to do so. Now, I’m sure you may be questioning my integrity while rightfully wondering if this book will ever actually manifest. Well, God willing, it will. I’ve had to cultivate more humility than I ever expected and truly have no pride in the work as it’s been so therapeutic, rigorous, and ongoing as my health is such a challenge and it’s taking so long, but Jesus Christ continues to teach me how to be a peacefully present embodiment of His patience despite all that’s awry and required of me. The ebook project is a gift of love made to Him, as a way of saying “thanks” for His unconditional love and the gifts He’s given me. I’ve had to let go of so much and accept that my application of knowledge in accordance with His will is beyond my control; the best I can do is show up, connect, and embody resilience. No, the 1st Book of Gitas doesn’t mention Him (as some’s perception of Him would turn them away from picking it up) as I intentionally have no desire to run off someone who may be genuinely helped by the book’s content; however, it’s anathema to aggression per His instruction and it’s worth sharing more of my guiding perspective here for you to take or leave. Why? Because I wouldn’t be here otherwise. I’m so far from perfect it’s not even funny. I’m continually humbled by my own health difficulty and the good left undone, especially since I intended for this work of art, this big bore artillery, to be launched long ago in an effort to create true intangible value for countless others. Factors beyond my control, including but not limited to health challenges and others’ obligations, have prevented this from happening in accordance with my first choice. My TOP choice was to share the book years ago, but the best I’m able to do now is reassure you of my promise that it’ll be available as soon as it’s feasible. I apologize for any mention in the past of a launch date; each one appeared manageable given the circumstances at those times. My inner artist won’t allow me to nix the delivery of the right good to market. There can be no settling here. The upside is it’s going to be better than even I predicted. The book has my purest of heart intentionally poured into it that it may overflow to others I’ve yet to meet, and the odd nature of this journey has actually enabled me to make more connections and collaborate with more beautiful individuals. Be grateful for what you have. It may not be perfect. It may not last. It may not meet your standards. But perhaps it’s enough. If you’re reading this, you’ve more liberty - choice - than many humans ever know. Congrats! Celebrate accordingly! Resiliently Favoring Non-Aggressive Liberty, Tyler P.S. - one of my brilliant doctors noted a profound observation in my documented biochemical strength while we chatted this afternoon and reviewed labs; I’m still FAR from the ideal/normal molecular makeup in some major ways, but my dedication to excellence bar none, self-directed research, and self-disciplined implementation of winningest choices per guidance and research is enabling improvement above and beyond what we have tracked for the past 3.25 years. This shift occurred sometime between December and June, and it has allowed my body to heal better and grow stronger with somewhat more reasonable ease. Paired with a personally tailored diet and lite exercise, strong lean muscle development isn’t like pulling teeth. Praise God. Capitalism is an efficient system, because of its mutually agreeable nature as demand and supply make the market. Non-aggressive liberty enables mankind to connect thru partnership culture for the winningest management strategy, opposite of controlling (which yields the worst performance, all according to HBR (
And when aggression rises from the darkness, demand to quash it with light becomes profound. Sometimes it seems the only expedient end to a conflict is, sadly, to return fire with capitalism's literal weapons before the threat's ability to erode value supersedes the free market's ability to enable true value creation and its longevity. Were emotional intelligence upheld by people the world round, nonviolent conflict resolution would always be possible. Can you imagine how brightly Earth would glow with all of its bioelectrochemical instruments we call "humans" tuned to Taste Optimally Pure Consciousness? We have no idea what this unified resonance would do to our consciousness, planet, or universe because people tend to lack the ability to maintain such an ideal operating norm. And when that weakness, confusion, aggression from the fall in consciousness spews outward and harms others, the most compassionate choice that promotes utilitarianism is arguably to stop it. Stopping it dead in its tracks may be the only feasible manner of eliminating said evil. In honor of those brave souls who stormed Normandy to dismantle one of humanity's greatest threats of all time, brace yourself for a revolutionary opportunity to connect with wholesome value creation via conscious capitalism. Sure, the Allies were statists and therefore not as capitalistic as possible, but note that the more capitalistic group effectively operated as the protagonist to defeat the more aggressive antagonist in WWII. Imagine what happens when we pour the same dedication of resources into conscious capitalism to set the standard there, bar none. This time around, we're fighting ignorance with non-aggressive liberty to enable a win across the board. Partner with TOP Consciousness and Gitas Group, and let's see how much value we may collectively create. Visit and sign up for your copy on the landing page. The artillery is being honed to perfection before it’s ready to fire, so "keep your powder dry"-Grandpa Tom. Liberty or Death, Tyler P.S.- while Tom was in the Army, he was fortunate to never go to war. “Gitas” is a word he taught me at an early age. I hope the blessings in these events ripple through you and the rest of the world. Choose Liberty for the win your finances, favorite non-profit*, & artwork
Visit , SIGN UP, and hang tight while the artwork is finalized. The second contractor who was intended to complete the art was met with external factors that eroded this ability. I'm seeking to hire a graphic designer capable of completing a full day's work, 8-12 hours, to bring this project and its promotional images to completion. Rise above circumstances with "managerial aptitude to blunt or counter eroding factors" as Dr. David Flint, my senior strategic management professor at A&M, would say in his newly published and widely available book/ebook "Think Beyond Value: Building Strategy to Win". I STRONGLY suggest pairing this worthy read with the "1st Book of Gitas: Personal Finance Made Simple". April may celebrate fools, but rest assured there's no joke in the mission to create value where it's needed! This tax day, let's glance back to the year 1913. It was a monumental turning point in American history that initiated the normalization of an ongoing heist known as 'federal income tax' thanks to the 'Revenue Act of 1913'. Taxes AREN'T capitalism; they're statism's aggressive theft on a grand scale. Pay up. Or else. Or else what? They'll use force against you. Seek Liberty. It's no coincidence that the central State's racket of perpetual warfare and central banking aggresses against people both foreign and domestic. True capitalism is nonaggressive Liberty, an ACTUAL free market where voluntary peaceful cooperation has a fair chance. It allows for the optimization of defense and thriving of individuals because of its more wholesome nature which avoids value destruction. It favors choice, NOT coercion, and enables efficient giving to the needy via philanthropy. Step forward as a conscious capitalist to artfully ENRICH the world we're handed and borrowing from the next generation. One small step by YOU could catalyze one giant leap for mankind. Academically, there's a winning solution. Authentically, Tyler *non-profits must pass vetting and approval in order to benefit from sales View more art samples at and sign up for your copy of the ebook! Suggest a philanthropy to fund too.
Dream Big & Capitalize, Tyler Christmas. A New Year. Dreams. The season of celebration! Gifts are given, new beginnings are commenced, dreams are lived.
100% of 1st month's ebook sales go to philanthropies: 30% to approved consumer choices, 70% to Hurricane Harvey relief wherever it's needed most. 30% of the sale will be donated to the philanthropy of your choice, once it’s vetted and approved. This goes for anyone linked to you thru referral; refer your friends to help fund philanthropic causes you’re passionate about! 70% of sales for the first month of sales will be donated to whatever Hurricane Harvey relief efforts are still most necessary. Beyond the 1st month of sales, 30% of sales will continue to be directed toward approved consumer-chosen philanthropies. "When Aggies see a need, their energy and their selflessness draw others into the cause, and good things happen."-Joe B. Foster '56 Give to those in need. It's my nature, my name: “Gibbs” is derived from “Gibb”, which stems from "give". Give them conscious capitalism. I created this book in order to teach personal finance to my potential future children, as a hedge in the event that I’d not be well enough to teach them myself, with emphasis on conscious capitalism. Perhaps the most non-intimidating, and maybe even entertaining, literature on the subject. Visit the Pre Sale Landing Page at to sign up for your copy of the 1st Book of Gitas: Personal Finance Made Simple ebook, and stake a claim for your preferred philanthropy. Expect the ePub in early '18, finally. Expect art samples within a week! Health difficulty paired with others’ busy calendars has postponed this project’s launch far beyond the originally anticipated date, but perseverance is valuable and the opportunity is exciting! Gratefully, Tyler Selfless efforts in response to Hurricane Harvey show a perfect example of true capitalism, nonaggressive liberty, compassion at its finest.
How? Outdoorsmen, amongst others, chose to compassionately put forth their best effort to dawn gear, man boats, and rescue those in need. This wasn't some prideful act mandated by force; it's instead exemplary of conscious capitalists performing in the moment when the moment matters the most, by choice. The same trend is clear in supply chains established to link those in need with those who have plenty. It's a natural, chosen, efficient, effective, liberating effort conducted through free will. It values and enables humans' ability to survive and thrive despite the implications of estimated financial damages far into billions of dollars. More money than most may readily fathom. So how is this relevant to my companies? YOU have an opportunity to further the hurricane relief effort, in addition to selecting your preferred philanthropy! The window of opportunity to help the less fortunate is open. We're going above and beyond. Philanthropy is a significant component of my companies, built into the financial models, and it deserves to be kicked up to the TOP notch. The initial plan's always been to give 30% of Gitas Group's sales of the 1st eBook to philanthropy, as a chosen benchmark, but allowance for fluctuations in this percentage enables adaptability to respond on the fly to dire situations. So let’s up the ante. In this instance, the TOP notch is 100%. I await responses from multiple independent editorial reviewers before finalizing the ePub for its online sales launch. Go HERE to sign up for your copy and stake a claim for the philanthropy of your choice. You’ll be first on the notification list for the e-launch; your opportunity to purchase & download the 1st Book of Gitas. 30% of the sale will be donated to the philanthropy of your choice, once it’s vetted and approved. This goes for anyone linked to you thru referral; refer your friends to help fund philanthropic causes you’re passionate about! 70% of sales for the first month of sales will be donated to whatever Hurricane Harvey relief efforts are most necessary. One month. Totally for philanthropy. Before offsetting expenses. Before profit. Before reinvestment. Before salary. Before royalties. The Fightin’ Texas Aggie network is STRONG, tied to Houston, and has already proven capable of spearheading the relief effort. Together we’re a global network. No matter how distant you may be from this particular group, you’re connected enough to make an impact! Helis boldly and solemnly chopped through their low flight paths over my house between Aggieland’s hubs and the flood in Houston-Port Arthur. Observing this for a week, while they’re clearly designed for immediate rescues, life flights, cargo hauling, and one seemingly equipped for hoodlum suppression, it’s apparent that the relief effort will be long, arduous, and expensive beyond comprehension. Though I wasn’t well enough to physically travel down to the flooded cities and contribute manpower, my intellectual work here is the best I know to give. Let’s replace scarcity with abundance. Hang tight. We’re going to help people. Gratefully, Tyler Fireworks over Aggieland last night. 1st Book of Gitas is in the hands of independent editorial reviewers. We'll see how my own rigorous review's current finished manuscript compares to their suggestions.
Advanced lab results unveiled the presence of Lyme disease in me earlier in the 2nd quarter, which appears to explain nearly a decade (or more) of chronic illness I've endured. This has proven rather distracting from the ebook's completion process as I seek a cure that this body will tolerate well. Managing my health, strategizing to formulate a plan with doctors to naturally kill off Lyme's bacteria and safely lower/remove replacement thyroid hormones, and maintaining entrepreneurial momentum is a relentless challenge. Apparently I've needed to develop more patience and perseverance than I'd ever expected. I'm grateful for all of the guidance that's been shared with me, and I look forward to genuinely helping others understand how to authentically employ their best selves through conscious capitalism to make the world better. Cheers to the health! Blessings, Tyler Nearly four years ago, my health totally fell apart from enduring ongoing undiagnosed maladies. I decided to construct a book to teach my potential future children what I learned in my finance degree and entrepreneurial leadership certificate curriculum at Texas A&M regarding the topic of personal finance. Tens of thousands of dollars spent on education ought not be entirely wasted should I not be well enough to actively teach them myself. My health reclamation remains a work in progress; however, I've recently reached a new biochemical paradigm thanks to dietary influence that allows my body to heal when I sleep enough. I'm grateful for this shift, and I'm excited to continue improving while creating value for others.
The 1st ebook's currently undergoing construction in Adobe InDesign, so stay tuned for sample pages! I've been gifted an extraordinary opportunity to help create sustainable competitive advantage for as many people as possible, so it's only appropriate to continue the tradition of giving. If you'd like to receive an ebook copy, please complete the Pre-Sale Landing Page form at Here's where you may also stake a claim for the philanthropy of your choice. As our planet's point species, the leading edge of creativity on Earth, it's imperative we understand and implement conscious capitalism in order to thrive. Best Wishes, Tyler |
Author"Awakening consciousness is my aim." - Tyler Archives
April 2019
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