Nearly four years ago, my health totally fell apart from enduring ongoing undiagnosed maladies. I decided to construct a book to teach my potential future children what I learned in my finance degree and entrepreneurial leadership certificate curriculum at Texas A&M regarding the topic of personal finance. Tens of thousands of dollars spent on education ought not be entirely wasted should I not be well enough to actively teach them myself. My health reclamation remains a work in progress; however, I've recently reached a new biochemical paradigm thanks to dietary influence that allows my body to heal when I sleep enough. I'm grateful for this shift, and I'm excited to continue improving while creating value for others.
The 1st ebook's currently undergoing construction in Adobe InDesign, so stay tuned for sample pages! I've been gifted an extraordinary opportunity to help create sustainable competitive advantage for as many people as possible, so it's only appropriate to continue the tradition of giving. If you'd like to receive an ebook copy, please complete the Pre-Sale Landing Page form at Here's where you may also stake a claim for the philanthropy of your choice. As our planet's point species, the leading edge of creativity on Earth, it's imperative we understand and implement conscious capitalism in order to thrive. Best Wishes, Tyler
Author"Awakening consciousness is my aim." - Tyler Archives
April 2019
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