Awakening Consciousness.
Acknowledge. Adapt. Improve. Launch Your Best Self! Reach and employ the self actualization - fully conscious and optimal potential - that's inherently accessible to you in order to bring about the best reality possible.
After growing tired of dysfunctionality, something must be done to improve this existence.
I engaged Texas A&M University's Center for Law and Intellectual Property, specifically the IP & Technology Law Clinic and the Entrepreneurship Law Clinic, to line out IP for 2 companies I formed in the fall of 2015 through the ELC.
Acknowledge. Adapt. Improve. Launch Your Best Self! Reach and employ the self actualization - fully conscious and optimal potential - that's inherently accessible to you in order to bring about the best reality possible.
After growing tired of dysfunctionality, something must be done to improve this existence.
I engaged Texas A&M University's Center for Law and Intellectual Property, specifically the IP & Technology Law Clinic and the Entrepreneurship Law Clinic, to line out IP for 2 companies I formed in the fall of 2015 through the ELC.